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We decided to go to Inks Lake a day early. The spot Don got for us was the best, hope we can get it again. The park was big, you can hike everywhere. The water was muddy & dark green, but did not keep us from getting in there. We saw lots turtles and a few little fish. We went to the Devil's waterhole and jumped off the little and medium rock. It was scary but fun, the kids loved it! It would be less scary if you could see the bottom.
The bathrooms were clean at the park for the kids. It looks like they have shelters to rent, if you don't want to camp in a tent or travel trailer, and they seem to have AC. There was plenty of room in between camp sites. Some campers had kayaks and jet ski's, my kids got to ride them and loved it! Sam is already thinking of getting one.. Camping with SETPUCC is always fun, making new friends and getting to know the rest better. The Vanishing Cruise was not very exciting for the first 15 minutes, after that, it was worth every penny. Burnet, TX is a great place, nothing but green hills and beautiful scenery will definitely come back
Next camping trip Village Creek
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WOW.. that looks like a great trip. Looking over the pictures can't agree with you about the water, it looks vivid blue and very inviting in the pics... wish I could swim there. Also those pics from the boat are amazing.. where is that?? Can't believe there is scenery like that in Texas. I've only camped in Texas a couple of times but now will make plans to visit Inks Lake. From your pictures and experience looks like an amazing park.
That's pretty neat about your trip to the Village in East Texas. Can't wait to see your pictures.
Alan and I are planning a trip to Martin Dies state park, and breeze through Lake Livingston (been there before) but we want to go back. We LOVE East Texas and the big thicket. I'd also like to visit the indian reservations while in the area. Have fun and keep me posted!
Sure will sounds like you like camping a lot too till next time
It was a great trip and the water is green you must be looking at the one they have on the web site the sky reflects on the water and yes it looks blue but you just have to go and see it for you self I like it I will go back again I'm just saying I did not like how the water looked.
I lOVE Inks Lake! My husband and I have been there several times but not with our children yet. (we're not brave enough to take our 2-yr. old camping). Once the kids are a little older I'd love to go back there.
We started with our kids very young.. Tent Camping. Matt was 3 Months his first time. Very noisey Campground.. Rennaisance Festival..
Ethan was 7 Months his first time. I think the nicest benefit of starting them young.. they learn to go to sleep when it gets dark, and they sleep through all the noises their Parents make (Laughing, playing Dominoes, etc..)
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