We have always wanted to go on a hike and set up camp, one of our friend let us use a back pack. We packed it and make the list of the things we need. The bag weight 60 lb and we where caring it in our back,. never have done it kids had their sleeping bag we where packed

Sam carried up, the boys had theirs the trail was great it was beautiful morning except for the horses it was a great walk, we hid some caches on the way up, we rest twice have some water and a snack the little one had
Crocs and he was not the fast, Matt sure did great he is so ready for the next one the view was great it was a long walk with kids we saw some Blue Bonnets one we got there it was a relief surprise the site had a night owl bathroom and some water for the horses it also had a fire ring a table and benches to seat down and relax we set up the tent and the kids where tired and bore there was really nothing to do here then two ladies came up with their horses and rested in our site we talk and some how they let our kids get on the horses and took them for a ride OH boy they like that a lot they left and it was back to us alone so we are looking for a big log when I spotted a Rabbit did not move it blended in with the branches and then run off it was great to see that I like the wild any kind then there come a couple with two kids and they set up their tent in our site by then I notice this is not just our spot is every ones spot talk about trying to go to a place there is no one else camping (not this time ) they had a little boy and a baby my Ethan like having him there they played then it was time for me to start dinner whats on the menu soup,flour tortillas with cheese (I froze and kipped in ice )with beef jerky (
quesadillas ) and for dessert vanilla and chocolate pudding by the time I finish cooking there is two girls coming and guess what !!!! they are staying here too Bummer right kids played and then it was time to do the fire we took a
duro log with some branches and viola we have a fire the girls came over and hang out with us we had a lot of fun talking to them until 11 pm moon was out it was magical the other couple the when to bed early then at 2 am the baby was crying I had my ear plugs so it did not mind me but she was crying too much morning came and it was breakfast time we had a meal ready all you had to do is pour hot water and some pita bread and I also got oat meal it was a great thing we did but is not for the whole family and the way back we stop by the lake it was a bit dry and it looked like we could just jump in and swim maybe next time.