It was funny the next day.. will have pictures posted this week. OK, we have been planning on Boon docking at the Texas Renaissance festival.. We went this past weekend after a bunch of rain. Got there late yesterday, started hunting for a good spot.. almost got stuck before deciding on a spot. Wife wanted the door facing the other direction, so I pulled forward, right into a mud pit covered with grass, to turn around.. left rear tire of my Niagara sunk in the mud up to the Dumping valve.. If it sank any deeper and it would have crushed some plumbing. My Tacoma was unable to pull it out of the mud in that position, couldn't get good traction (07 DC SR5 PreRunner). I don't have 4 wheel drive or a locking rear differential, so I unhooked the camper so I can get my truck unstuck.. once disconnected, I warned the wife to back away and floored it to get UN-stuck.. well... I wasn't stuck anymore, but the ENTIRE front of the pup was covered in a thick sheet of mud! It was covered.
oh, how embarrassing... I backed up from another angle (dryer ground?) hooked up, and still couldn't get it out.. this time, I got both rear tires buried in mud. about that time.. some guy (Alex) was driving by decided to stop and see if he could help. he had a strap and a dodge (OK, fine.. no more Dodge jokes).. tied on to me, I was tied on to the camper, and between us.. we got out of the hole... augh! finally, THANKS ALEX!
I will post some muddy photo's later. I am very sore this morning, as we had to manually lift the tongue and spin it to a dry spot. I have never tried towing through Mud.. I do not plan on doing it again. if you have to... DON'T STOP to back up and angle the camper.. bad idea! I was feeling pretty gutsy with my stock Tacoma, and paid the price. The truck might not get stuck, but the trailer can!! Once it does, you are just going to dig your self a hole.... and the wife will not stop laughing at you as you try to get it out.
Then our friend sowed up we where setting up and so where they I cooked dinner lots as always and told them not to cook we had plenty for every one night time for the kid and us stayed talking BS with some friend and call it a night